This morning Michelin released the 2012 Belgium/Luxembourg guide, two weeks after the results of the 2012 Benelux Bib Gourmand guide were announced.
Gert De Mangeleer's Hertog Jan restaurant in Sint-Michiels (near Bruges) has gained a third star. Hertog Jan was awarded its first star in 2006, the second followed in 2009. The last time a restaurant in Belgium was awarded a third star was in 2005 (Hof van Cleve). Together with Geert Van Hecke's De Karmeliet in Bruges and Peter Goossens' Hof van Cleve in Kruishoutem Belgium now 3 three-star restaurants.

Michelin awarded thirteen restaurants in Belgium their first star (including one restaurant that has moved), seven Belgian restaurants lost their star, which brings the number of one-star restaurants in Belgium to 89.
In the 2012 guide Luxembourg gets one new one-star restaurant, three restaurants lost a star. The 2012 guide will feature one two-star restaurant (Mosconi in Luxembourg) and ten one-star restaurants.

Belgium and Luxembourg share a Bib Gourmand guide with the Netherlands, called the Benelux guide. The 2012 Bib Gourmand guide was released on 7 November. Belgium has 133 entries in this guide and Luxembourg has 8.
A full list of Belgium's Michelin stars and Bib Gourmands 2012 can be found here Belgium/Luxembourg 2012